Data Types

Here is how you would declare a new type Vehicle, which can be either a Car, Plane, or Submarine.

type Vehicle
    = Car
    | Plane
    | Submarine

Type Parameters TODO

Union Types can be given parameters to allow them to wrap values. In the example below, the type Vehicle has a Car case that carries a value of type Int.

type Vehicle
    = Car Int
    | Sled

This would mean that to create an instance of type Car, you would need to provide it an instance of Int:

Car 42

Variable Type Parameters TODO

Union Types can also be given variable type parameters to allow them to wrap generic values. In the example below, the type Option has a Some case that carries a value of type Int.

type Option a
    = Some a
    | None

This would mean that if you wanted to create an instance of Option Int, you could use any of the following expressions:

Some 42
Some 1337
Some 0

Similarly, if you wanted to create an instance of Option String, you could use any of the following expressions:

Some "yolo"